Community Food Drives
Share is fortunate to have many wonderful groups who sponsor annual food drives. It is a great way for people who cannot volunteer on a regular basis due to work or family demands to show their support for our neighbors in need. On this page, we feature some of these annual drives. We also provide more tips on how to hold your own drive. Share is always looking for organizations to host food drives from March to September when our pantry shelves tend to be bare.
McLean 5K
McLean 5K runners dropped off canned food and toiletries when picking up their race packets, and Share’s truck was ready to collect the donations at the Old Firehouse on Friday, October 6, 2023.

Temple Rodef Shalom
Temple Rodef Shalom held another successful food drive in September 2023--almost two trucks full of food and toiletries were donated! Thank you, for more than 20+ years of your support!

Host a Food Drive
Share is always looking for organizations to host food drives from March to September when our pantry shelves tend to be bare.​
For more information, please see How to Hold a Food Drive (PDF).
Power Packs for Kids
(April to July only)
Purchase and assemble food power packs for our August Back-to-School event to provide students meals to eat on weekends. Please contact for more information.
Quarterly Gift Themes: Purchase special items not available on a regular basis. Click here for more information: Gift Themes (PDF document)
Host a School Supplies Drive Purchase school supplies for students. See attached document for more information. ​
Host a Winter Coat Drive
(September to February only)
Share needs gently used adult and children's coats, gloves, and scarves during the fall and winter months. Please email
for more details.